Top Golf Gifts by


13 Elaborate Golf Gifts

What to get for the golfer who has everything? We’ve come up with 13 solutions if money is no object

image of backyard putting green by synlawn golfBy: Staff

Sure, you can buy someone short-game lessons, but how does someone really get better? With practice. Give the gift that keeps on giving — and is sure to make someone the envy of the neighborhood — with a backyard practice area. SYNLawn Golf, in partnership with Dave Pelz, has plenty of custom options from which to choose.

For example, a 20-by-50 area with a green and a fringe will cost about $10,000 based on the installation. Have the space and money for a mini par 3? A larger layout equipped with a bunker and even a water hazard could be had for about $75,000 (left). Of course, it’s going to take a bit more to replicate what Pelz had built at his Austin, Tex.-area home.

Alex Myers